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3 questions you should ask yourself everyday!

What you Should know about your life's purpose

January 2, 2017

Happy New Year! I hope 2017 brings for you a life of Love, Abundance and Joy!

I want to share a quick story with you about my day today.

Being that today is Sunday AND the New Year, it seemed appropriate my family go to church. We are members at the Center for Spiritual Living, with their foundation which holds that all life is sacred—that each human being is an expression of God.

We have been out of town for quite a few weekends in a row and have been missing service so today seemed appropriate to make sure to ring in the new year with my spirituality in focus.

Shortly into the service we recite an affirmation. The affirmation goes like this;

"We are here for God. Our purpose is to express the nature of God as Love, Abundance, and Joy in everything we do. The Good we seek for ourselves is what we desire for all people everywhere."

Today as I recited this, I had an ah-ha moment! 

As a Life Coach, I work with people who are in search of their life's purpose. I have found that many people are struggling with this.

Why? Because they realize the life they are living is not fulfilling to their soul. 

In fact, most people feel their "cup" is empty from filling up everyone else's around them. They are left feeling tired, deprived, and not in alignment with their authentic self.

In working on myself and with clients, it's important to know that its ok to not know exactly what your life's purpose is.

The reason is because it is always evolving as you do.

Yes some people are writers or artists or healers, and that is an absolute for them, but most of the time I find that our life's purpose has more to do with a verb than it does with a noun, and more often align with our values versus our desires.

As you evolve, so too will your purpose. 

A teacher for example may start to feel unfulfilled financially however find that their life's purpose is still teaching, but evolves from teaching elementary school students to leading spiritual workshops and teaching women how to rise above their pain.

So, let me get back to the ah-ha moment!

The affirmation we recite in service says,

"...Our purpose is to express the nature of God as Love, Abundance, and Joy in everything we do..."

That's when it hit me! That's our purpose in this life, in this human experience!


Thats it! It's that simple!

We all know this right? I know it. You know it. But for some reason today, I truly felt it in my heart, not JUST to be the expression of Source, but that it IS my life's purpose to do so, and yours too.

Be God/Source's expression of what Love feels like, 

of what Abundance looks like, 

of what Joy tastes like! 

Can you imagine if the human race consciously did this every day? No one would be "in search of" their life's purpose. We would all be living it!

Now, as a Life Coach who works specifically with people on finding their life's purpose, I will say this:

  • define your values
  • connect with action words you enjoy doing
  • be the full expression of Source in everything you do

...and there you will find what you have come to do in this lifetime!

The 3 Important Questions you should ask yourself everyday

As I listened to Rev. Kathleen speak, I began thinking about what is important for me in 2017 and how I will keep myself spiritually on track.

These 3 points came to me in the form of questions that I felt guided to share with you.

  1. Does this help me in living my life purpose?
  2. Am I respecting my own worth?
  3. Am I serving from a heart of gratitude?

I am going to write these 3 questions on a post-it note and plant them around me so that I see it multiple times a day. I'll hang it on my bathroom mirror, place one in my phone case, another in my car.

This will assist me on staying on track with my mission for 2017 and my life's purpose, and avoid getting trapped in the mundane of life and preventing my focus from traveling elsewhere.

I encourage you to do the same! 

It will teach you to listen to your intuition and what it feels like when it speaks to you.

It will also provide you an opportunity to "check in" with yourself repeatedly throughout the day, understanding what it feels like to make decisions consciously, rather than unconsciously and then regretting it later.

So to recap this post:

  • Understand your #1 purpose in this lifetime is to BE the expression of God/Source in everything you do, for yourself, for all living beings and for the planet. 
  • Don't worry if you don't know what your life's purpose is, allow this understanding of being an extension of Source to guide your actions. You will evolve, and so will your understanding. 
  • Ask yourself those 3 questions when making decisions, even if the decision is as small as "should I watch this tv show". However, always remember life is about having fun too and sometimes watching that tv show will do you good!

 Be well and here's to 2017! May you find all that is already within you!